Source code for incor.main

import time
import sys
import os
from watchdog.observers import Observer
from termios import tcflush, TCIOFLUSH
import incor
from subprocess import call
    from incor.EventHandler import EventHandler
except ImportError:
    from incor import EventHandler

[docs]def main(): """ The entry function for the command 'incor' in terminal """ template = 'template' input_file = None compilers = ['g++', 'gcc', 'python', 'julia'] flag_list = ['-t', '-i', '-cpp', '-c', '-py', '-jl'] def get_arg(arg, default=None): try: global ind ind = sys.argv.index(arg) value = sys.argv[ind + 1] if value not in flag_list: sys.argv = sys.argv[:ind] + sys.argv[ind + 2:] return True, value else: sys.argv = sys.argv[:ind] + sys.argv[ind + 1:] return True, default except ValueError: return False, default except IndexError: sys.argv = sys.argv[:ind] return True, default present, template = get_arg('-t', template) present, input_name = get_arg('-i') if input_name is None and present: input_name = 'input.txt' present, compilers[0] = get_arg('-cpp', compilers[0]) present, compilers[1] = get_arg('-c', compilers[1]) present, compilers[2] = get_arg('-py', compilers[2]) present, compilers[3] = get_arg('-jl', compilers[3]) path = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '.' if path == '--version': print('incor v' + incor.__version__) return elif path == '-h' or path == '--help': print("""incor can be configured for a run using these options - -i : To specify the input file name for the to be compiled program (with extension). -t : To specify the name of template file(without extension). -c : To specify the C compiler to be used. -cpp : To specify the C++ compiler to be used. -py : To specify the python interpreter to be used. -jl : To specify the julia interpreter to be used. """) return else: sys.argv = sys.argv[1:] path = " ".join(sys.argv) if len(sys.argv) > 0 else '.' os.chdir(path) path = '.' if input_name is not None: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if input_name in files: input_file = os.path.join(root, input_name) break if input_file is None: print(input_name + ' not found') eventhandler = EventHandler(path, compilers) eventhandler.parentPid = os.getpid() # parent process pid eventhandler.TemplateName = template observer = Observer() observer.schedule(eventhandler, path, recursive=True) observer.start() try: while True: if eventhandler.newCmd: # stores the status of the cmd eventhandler.newCmd = False # flushes the keystrokes of the previously terminated program sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.flush() tcflush(sys.stdin, TCIOFLUSH) start_time = time.time() # creates a child process that executes the final command if input_file is not None: input_fd = open(input_file, 'r') call(eventhandler.cmd, shell=True, stdin=input_fd) input_fd.close() else: call(eventhandler.cmd, shell=True) print('\n---------------------------------------------------') print('Program execution terminated in %s seconds.' % (time.time() - start_time)) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()